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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

A Message From Our Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At Alpha Phi Iota Theta, we hold ourselves to a high standard of morality. In order to execute our duties as a supportive sisterhood and outstanding citizens, we regard the practice of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to the highest degree. Our sisterhood represents unique and diverse individuals, and we seek to celebrate our differences, stand against hate and work towards solidarity with others. 


The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Department specifically works to recognize, educate and celebrate: culture, sexual orientation, religion, race, gender and identity. Furthermore, we pledge to work towards repairing our relationship with those discriminated, hurt and excluded in the past. We are also committed to ensuring DEI is an integrated and highly recognized part of everything we do. Here are some of the many ways Iota Theta has implemented the practice of DEI:


  • Alpha awareness. Each week the DEI department educates the sisterhood on a holiday, recent event, or social movement that pertains to diversity and inclusive practices. It is our duty as young women to be cognizant of the injustices in our world and work towards bettering it together. 

  • Implicit bias training. This is a major aspect of the recruitment process as we aim to ensure that we treat potential members in an equitable matter. A course is mandatory for all sisters to complete each year.

  • Activities focused on minority statuses. Some examples include: an ASL workshop, a disability workshop, an ally ship workshop, Indigenous guest speakers and a potluck showcasing each sister’s ethic food.

  • Support a Sister Fund. We are currently working to create a fund that supports the cost of dues for sisters in need. Income inequality is an issue that we are determined to combat. We understand the importance of sisterhood and want to ensure everyone has equal opportunity to experience it. 

  • More than a land acknowledgment. Our chapter aims to irradiate performative activism by asking comprehensive questions, facilitating activities and inspiring meaningful conversation about Indigenous communities. We also learn from local Indigenous services and people as we cannot gain true understanding or reconciliation without their knowledge.

  • A presence in all departments. DEI works closely with Marketing, Sisterhood, Membership & Recruitment and Health, Wellness & Accountability. The consideration of DEI is an important and vital part of every aspect of our chapter, so its presence is greatly valued.


Please know that our dedication to bettering ourselves goes beyond the walls of Alpha Phi and extends into our daily lives. Many of our sisters are avid volunteers, activists and cavilists for change. Even so, we recognize that the implementation and practice of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is not something that happens overnight, we appreciate your patience and encouragement. 


As we continue on our journey of acceptance and understanding, we look forward to the growth in both our women as individuals and as a sisterhood. Please contact us at any time to ensure we stay connected and dedicated to you and our relationship with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


Vivian La

Vice President of Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

Alpha Phi Women's Fraternity

Iota Theta Chapter

Wilfrid Laurier University


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